Tell us a little bit about yourself
I’ve lived locally for over 30 years. I’ve been a school governor and volunteer family support worker. I’m now involved in running a local community playgroup. I’m passionate about improving opportunities for our youngsters.
What do you think makes a good local councillor?
A good local councillor knows their community. They listen to local residents and work hard to make everyone’s lives better.
Tell us three things you're aiming to focus on or achieve for your ward during your term as councillor
Fly-tipping and litter is a big issue here. The council need to do more to bring it under control.
We’re very lucky to have lots of beautiful green spaces in my ward. If elected, I will work to protect our green spaces and improve and invest in our parks.
I will also focus on improving road safety and reducing speed, particularly outside schools.
Tell us three things you're aiming to focus on or achieve for the city of Sheffield during your term as councillor
Spending council tax wisely.
Tackling climate change.
Improving public transport.
Transport: The Sheffield City Region bus services should be taken back into public ownership
- Strongly Agree
- Agree
- Neutral/Other
- Disagree
- Strongly Disagree
If you'd like to add details on your position, please do so here
End the current partnership and move to Quality Contracts so communities have a say over bus routes, fares, and timetables.
Economy: A Universal Basic Income pilot should happen in Sheffield
- Strongly Agree
- Agree
- Neutral/Other
- Disagree
- Strongly Disagree
If you'd like to add details on your position, please do so here
At our last Party Conference we adopted UBI as our policy. We have a national working group coming up with the detail.
Democracy: How would you like Sheffield City Council to be run?
- By a leader who is an elected councillor chosen by a vote of the other elected councillors (this is how the council is run now)
- By one or more committees made up of elected councillors (this would be a change from how the council is run now)
Social: Do you agree with the finding of the Government's Sewell Report stating the UK is no longer institutionally racist?
- Strongly Agree
- Agree
- Neutral/Other
- Disagree
- Strongly Disagree