Tell us a little bit about yourself
I have been a councillor here for 9 years.
I am an engineer by profession. I currently volunteers as a minibus driver for the Luncheon Club based at St Luke’s Church Lodge Moor. As a Fulwood councillor, I have helped lots of people with their issues and problems and campaigned for our communities.
What do you think makes a good local councillor?
A good local councillor works for the ward that he represents as well as the wider city. He should particularly care for the most vulnerable. While bringing his own ideas, it is vital that he listens to the views and ideas of the community that he serves.
Tell us three things you're aiming to focus on or achieve for your ward during your term as councillor
I have concerns about road safety. We have had an accident black spot on Redmires Rd cross roads, which recent signage changes may have improved: this must be monitored. We are also investigating a speed limit reduction to Redmires Rd. The dangerous crossing on Hangingwater Rd. is much used by school children. More would use the route rather than be ferried by car if it were safer. Despite resolving this, not being a priority for the council, I am investigating other ways of progressing this.
The Westminster council housing estate has suffered from delays in getting repairs done and other problems. I am determined to resolve these issues allowing for the use of approved external contractors if repairs cannot be done in a timely manner.
We are fortunate in hosting one of the most beautiful areas of countryside in the Porter Valley. I am determined that with the help of Friends of Porter Valley, the facilities are maintained and it remains accessible to the people of the city.
Tell us three things you're aiming to focus on or achieve for the city of Sheffield during your term as councillor
As a city councillor, I have concern for those across Sheffield who are less well off. I fundraise for a foodbank to help them, but my long-term aim is to do what I can to take these people out of poverty. Key to this is restoring the prosperity of the city, which will create more jobs and better paying jobs.
Sheffield has narrow roads and cannot cope with high levels of traffic. This was made worse when bus services were privatised and run for the benefit of the bus companies. I will campaign for a London style franchised bus service, where service levels are specified by the council and buses are run for the benefit of the community.
It is shocking that so many homes do not have basic insulation. The council should set up an advice service to enable all homes to be upgraded with a view to reducing fuel poverty and meeting our 2030 carbon neutral target.
Transport: “Air pollution contributes to 500 deaths a year in Sheffield. Living alongside a busy road carries the same risk as passively smoking 10 cigarettes a day.”. Supported by better public transport and disabled accessibility, do you think private motor traffic should eventually be excluded from Sheffield city centre?
- Yes
- Unsure
- No
If you'd like to add details on your position, please do so here
As time progresses, older more polluting vehicles will come to their natural life end. Improvements to public transport and facilities for active travel will in themselves provide benefits, but there will always be situations when say moving heavy goods or providing disabled access private vehicles will be needed
Housing: "The introduction of Selective Licensing can bring widespread benefits to the local community. In particular it will ensure that all private rented property within the designated area is safe and well managed". Do you think Landlord Licensing in Sheffield should be extended, from currently applying to Abbeydale Road, Chesterfield Road and London Road, to covering more wards?
- Yes
- Unsure
- No
If you'd like to add details on your position, please do so here
If there is a demonstrable need for this, then Licensing should most certainly be extended, but if not to do so would be a waste of resource and make it more expensive for tenants.
Local Democracy: “The primary purpose of the Local Area Committees (LACs) is to promote the involvement of local people in the democratic process and to bring decision making closer to local people.” Do you think Local Area Committees should be further developed?
- Yes
- Unsure
- No
If you'd like to add details on your position, please do so here
The underlying princible is that where there are issues that relate to a specific local community, decsions including allocating of funding should be taken at that level.
Local Economy: Community wealth building (CWB) is a people-centred approach to local economic development, which redirects wealth back into the local economy, and places control and benefits into the hands of local people." Do you think Sheffield City Council should support community wealth building?
- Yes
- Unsure
- No