Elected in 2022 Local Elections Nabeela Mowland Local Councillor Candidate Sheffield Election

Nabeela Mowlana

Tell us a little bit about yourself

My name is Nabeela and I am standing in this ward because I grew up here. From going to school at Springs Academy to becoming a youth worker in the city, Park and Arbourthorne is my home.

What do you think makes a good local councillor?

A good local councillor is one who is led by the people they represent. Town Hall decision-making should be open, democratic procedures that make all members feel valued and heard. This is why I have committed to hosting neighbourhood feedback forums across our ward.

Tell us three things you're aiming to focus on or achieve for your ward during your term as councillor

One of my favourite quotes from the labour movement is that we fight for bread but we fight for roses too. Amongst other issues, I hope to work on bringing buses under public control, securing increased investment in youth services to reduce anti-social behaviour, and revitalising our neighbourhood through a green new deal.

Tell us three things you're aiming to focus on or achieve for the city of Sheffield during your term as councillor

Good housing, good jobs, good public services – these are all rights, not privileges. But we also know that rights are not always given, they are fought for and won. As your local councillor, I will make sure your concerns and ideas are addressed by translating it into policies and action.

Transport: “Air pollution contributes to 500 deaths a year in Sheffield. Living alongside a busy road carries the same risk as passively smoking 10 cigarettes a day.”. Supported by better public transport and disabled accessibility, do you think private motor traffic should eventually be excluded from Sheffield city centre?

  • Yes
  • Unsure
  • No

Housing: "The introduction of Selective Licensing can bring widespread benefits to the local community. In particular it will ensure that all private rented property within the designated area is safe and well managed". Do you think Landlord Licensing in Sheffield should be extended, from currently applying to Abbeydale Road, Chesterfield Road and London Road, to covering more wards?

  • Yes
  • Unsure
  • No

If you'd like to add details on your position, please do so here

Living conditions have deteriorated across the country with the poorest communities often paying exorbitant rent for unliveable conditions. As a member of ACORN and a former student organiser, I have supported campaigns on landlord licensing. I will continue to do so if elected as your councillor.

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